Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Come Home

Verse of the week:

"Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may have her young - a place near your altar, Lord Almighty, my King and my God." ~ Psalm 84:3

Song of the week:

Whether we admit it or not... we're all searching for something.

Some find what they're looking for. Others seem to search their life away... never satisfied.

Regret was the one thing I didn't ever want to be very acquainted with.

But I am.

I regret many things. I regret the way I treated my sister growing up. I regret relationship decisions I've made. I regret the sinful choices I continue to make on a daily basis. I have regrets.

But the beauty of it all is that... it's never too late to turn around and run back home into the safe arms of the Father. We can run... but we can never outrun His grace.

Often times I feel too sinful to love. I feel too broken to be made beautiful. I feel too hopeless to make a difference.

But then I hear:
"Mercy doesn't care what you've done"

I want to come back from the shadows. I want to turn from the wrong roads, the darkness, and the unknown.

... where His beautiful redemption is waiting... for me to come home.

What I'm searching for... what you're searching for...

He can satisfy.

So come home.

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