Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Beautiful Things

Verse of the Week:

"He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end."
- Ecclesiastes 3:11

Song of the Week:

Our God is a God of beauty. Clearly, the world all around us testifies to this truth. Even on days like this where I just want to snuggle into my chair with a blanket and a book because the weather is so poopy - even days like this are beautiful to God.

There are definitely days however, where I struggle to find the beauty in life.

It's sometimes hard for me to believe that God makes everything beautiful "in it's time".

When I'm depressed.

When I'm anxious.

When I feel as if I can't get up and go on with life.

Will He redeem these times? Does He make, even situations like ________ beautiful in His time? Do I trust Him enough to give him those times of depression, anxiety, and despair - so that He can do something beautiful with them?

If God can create a masterpiece in His image out of dust, surely He can create something beautiful out of me... even in my lowest times.

Whether you feel like you have it altogether or you know that your life is a mess - do you trust Him to create something beautiful with you?

~Emily Z.

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