Sunday, August 28, 2011

You Are MORE

Verse of the Week:

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come." - II Corinthians 5:17

Song of the Week:

You are more than the choices that you make. Do you believe that? When was the last time that you made a bad choice? For me, it was today during the intense afternoon heat. I decided to wear a gray t-shirt. NOT so good of a choice on a HOT day, because by the time I was done taking pictures for CAB (Campus Activity Board - they're pretty awesome!) it was more than obvious that I had been sweating glistening.

Okay, so obviously this isn't the worst choice I've ever made in my life. I've made plenty of bad choices and sometimes it's easy to think that these choices define me. But according to God, I AM a new creation. The old part of me - all the bad choices and decisions that I've ever made - is gone.

Thanks to Christ... I've been remade.

Do I still mess up? Yes. Do I still sin and make bad choices? Of course.

The difference is that I am no longer a slave to the bad choices that I make because they don't have the power to define my future for me.

CHRIST defines me.

Are you living in slavery to your past mistakes? Step into the freedom that Christ offers from all your past failings.

You are a new creation. You've been remade.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


"Lord, be our Sun and Shield.
Shine on us, protect us as we seek to live and witness to your truth.
Forgive us(especially those of us who have never faced lions,
fire, or sword because of our faith)
for our fears of petty loss.
Remind us that it is in losing ourselves
that we find You."

~Elisabeth Elliot

Friday, August 19, 2011

Zergs & Ewalk Welcome YOU

If you're reading this... you had better be an Evans Woman! If not, well then you're just a little odd to be reading a blog dedicated to the wonderful women of Evans hall. I know we're cool and all, but seriously.

That's creepy.

So stop it.
On a brighter note: If you're a freshman, transfer, or returner this year at Sterling College - WELCOME! I'm so excited that you're here! I've met a few of you already... including two flamingos named Chico and Shaquan that live across the hall in room 129.

I guess I should probably tell all of you who I am since some of you don't know me yet. Whelp... my name is Emily Zerger, but everyone just calls me Zergs on this campus. I really have no idea who first came up with the name or why it stuck, but it did. It also makes it easy because I'm rooming with another Emily - Emily Walker - who goes by Ewalk.

So now, just by bringing to mind Toy Story and Star Wars you can remember both of our names.


Or just weird. You decide.

As the dorm chaplain for Evans hall, a typical question that I get is "Uhhh... what does the chaplain do?"

The short answer is that my job can't be put concisely into one or two sentences, because chaplains do different things based on the year.

Honestly, I'm just like you. The only difference is that I'm open to discussions about really anything: God, relationships, family, guys, struggles, etc. - and that I keep everything confidential. Along with being a spiritual support to the RA's, I'm also here for all of you women and welcome your presence in my room or over a cup of coffee.

Some things to look forward to this year:

1) Weekly scripture posts

2) Contests and fun prizes throughout the year

3) Random happenings around Sterling College that are interesting enough to blog about.... :)

This post has already gone far too long, so I think I'll end it... but look for the scripture of the week on Monday morning!

I hope you all are as excited about this online community of Evans women as I am!

And remember... these posts are for YOU, so tell me what YOU want to hear about. :)

~Em (Zergs)